Pictured from left to right:
Choir Director, Mark Ritzmann and President of Neath Soroptimists, Anne Ellis, with representatives of Neath Foodbank, Canon Stephen Ryan, Roy Callard and Jack Crowther
Following the success of our Christmas concert on 5th December 2014, Neath Polyphonic Choir and Soroptimist International of Neath have between them raised just over £1,200 for two local charities. Both organisations combined their energies towards holding a fundraising concert at St.David’s Church, and the event was a resounding success, with a capacity audience present. The Choir’s Christmas concert was supported by guests, Soprano, Rebecca Conway and Briton Ferry Silver Band Ensemble.
The two charities chosen were Neath Foodbank and ‘Ice Cool Kids’ – which provides opportunities for Special Needs Children. Cheques for £605 have been presented to each charity. Although the good work provided by Neath Foodbank is well known in the community, perhaps less is known about ‘Ice Cool Kids’ which was set up by Chris and Julie Harvey from Skewen, and raises money to take special needs children skiing, allowing them to achieve and experience what would otherwise not be possible. It is a fully inclusive activity with local mainstream children being encouraged to assist in training sessions via the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. It encourages children to work together co-operatively as part of a team.

Pictured from left to right:
Choir Director, Mark Ritzmann with Soroptimist representative, Bethan Evans are seen presenting a cheque to Mrs.Julie Harvey and young members of Ice Cool Kids.
The Choir’s music director, Mark Ritzmann said, ‘We were very pleased to be able to support these very worthwhile causes, and we wish both charity organizations every continued success with their good work’.